How to start business with Youmake
Create your online-shop
Start selling on Youmake
It's simple
Sign up
Create an account for free. You will get all the tools you need on the account page
Use design builder
Create collections with your personal design. Choose products you like and place your design on it.
Upload and create your own designs using the design builder.
Upload and create your own designs using the design builder.
Put your items for sale
We recommend to use several sales channels:
- YOUMAKE marketplace
- Your own online-shop (Create it with website builders or bind your own shop)
- Sell it via your social networks
Your items get sold
We get this information automatically and start working on your order
We print, pack and ship
We make and ship an order to the customer under your brand
How much does it cost?
You can sign up to YOUMAKE for free
There are two transactions for each order
- Customer buys items at a retail price that you set
- YOUMAKE withholds the cost of the product with print and 5% of the sell, the rest is your profit
You can set your prices as high or low as you want them to be. Check out our catalogue to find out our prices
Who can do business with YOUMAKE?
Monetize your creativity
Easy start without setup costs and huge market potential
Involve clients on YOUMAKE and get % from each sell. Get an access to the referral program
Corporate clients
Expand your products range without risks and stock remains. Gain discounts and special offers
Are you a corporate client?
Develop your brand with a new e-commerce model called PoD (Print on Demand). Sell clothes and accessories without any risks or stock remains
Contact us so we can help you to boost your business